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Swedish 30

Swedish 30

Our 30-minute massage focuses on a specific area of your choice, providing targeted relief and relaxation. Let our skilled therapists work their magic to alleviate tension and improve your overall well-being. THIS IS NOT A FULL BODY MASSAGE!

  • Price: $45
  • Duration: 30 min
Swedish 60

Swedish 60

Swedish massage is a popular and relaxing massage technique that focuses on long, flowing strokes to promote overall relaxation and improve circulation. It involves the use of gentle to moderate pressure to release muscle tension and relieve stress.

  • Price: $95
  • Duration: 60 min
Swedish 90

Swedish 90

Our 90-minute massage offers an extended session of deep relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing you to fully unwind and release any tension or stress. With skilled hands and soothing techniques, our experienced therapists will tailor the massage to your specific needs, leaving you feeling refreshed.

$45.00 deposit required

  • Price: $130
  • Duration: 90 min
Swedish 120

Swedish 120

A 120-minute massage session allows for a longer duration of relaxation and stress relief, allowing for a deeper sense of calm and rejuvenation. It also provides ample time for the therapist to address specific areas of tension and discomfort, resulting in a more thorough and effective massage.

$55.00 deposit required

  • Price: $195
  • Duration: 120 min
Deep Tissue 60

Deep Tissue 60

A 60-minute deep tissue massage focuses on targeting deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues, helping to alleviate chronic muscle tension and pain. It can also improve flexibility and range of motion, promoting overall physical well-being and relaxation.

$35.00 deposit required

  • Price: $115
  • Duration: 60 min
Deep Tissue 90

Deep Tissue 90

A 90-minute deep tissue massage provides even more time for targeted muscle work, allowing for deeper and more comprehensive relief of chronic tension and pain. It also offers extended relaxation, stress reduction, and promotes improved circulation for enhanced overall well-being.

$45.00 deposit required

  • Price: $135
  • Duration: 90 min
Deep Tissue 120

Deep Tissue 120

$55.00 deposit required

  • Price: $215
  • Duration: 120 min
Sauna Blanket

Sauna Blanket

Sauna blankets provide benefits such as detoxification, weight loss, relaxation, muscle recovery, improved skin health, and a boosted immune system.

$15.00 deposit required

  • Price: $45
  • Duration: 30 min
Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage can help alleviate common discomforts during pregnancy, such as back pain and swelling, while also promoting relaxation and reducing stress for expectant mothers. Additionally, it can improve blood circulation, reduce muscle tension.

$35.00 deposit required

  • Price: $95
  • Duration: 60 min
Sleep Therapy Massage

Sleep Therapy Massage

Enjoy a specialized massage focused on promoting relaxation, reducing insomnia, and improving sleep quality through calming techniques, gentle pressure, and soothing essential oils to help you achieve a restful night's sleep.

$35.00 deposit required

  • Price: $110
  • Duration: 60 min
Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic massage can help improve circulation and reduce swelling by stimulating the lymphatic system, promoting the removal of toxins and waste products from the body. Additionally, it can also boost the immune system and aid in relaxation.

$35.00 deposit required

  • Price: $95
  • Duration: 60 min
Rejuvenation Massage

Rejuvenation Massage

Body scrubs are a great way to exfoliate and moisturize at the same time. Eliminates dead skin cells. Help improve blood circulation and cleanse the skin.

$50.00 deposit required

  • Price: $120
  • Duration: 60 min
Couples 60 (Call First)

Couples 60 (Call First)

A couples 60-minute massage provides a unique opportunity for partners to relax and unwind together, enjoying the benefits of massage therapy in a shared experience. It can promote bonding, deepen the connection between partners, and create a soothing and rejuvenating experience for both individuals

$35.00 deposit required for new clients

  • Price: $215
  • Duration: 60 min
Couples 90 (Call First)

Couples 90 (Call First)

A 90-minute couples massage offers extended relaxation and therapeutic benefits for partners. With more time, it allows for a deeper level of relaxation, tension relief, and a more thorough massage experience, leaving both partners feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

$45.00 deposit required

  • Price: $280
  • Duration: 90 min
Couples 120 (Call First)

Couples 120 (Call First)

A 120-minute couples massage provides an even more indulgent and immersive experience for partners. The extended duration allows for deeper relaxation, increased muscle tension release, and a heightened sense of overall well-being, leaving both partners feeling deeply rejuvenated and connected.

$60.00 deposit required

  • Price: $345
  • Duration: 120 min
Stretch 30

Stretch 30

A 30-minute stretch massage is a quick and effective way to improve flexibility, release muscle tension, and promote relaxation. It targets specific areas of the body, helping to increase range of motion and relieve stiffness, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

$25.00 deposit required

  • Price: $45
  • Duration: 30 min
Stretch 60

Stretch 60

$35.00 deposit required

  • Price: $80
  • Duration: 60 min
Pain Cream

Pain Cream

Pain cream can provide localized relief for pain and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it may help soothe and moisturize the skin, promoting overall skin health. (One area )

  • Price: $20
  • Duration: 10 min
Hot Stone (Add On)

Hot Stone (Add On)

  • Price: $15
  • Duration: 10 min


One area

  • Price: $16
  • Duration: 20 min
Essential Oils

Essential Oils

  • Price: $15
  • Duration: 10 min
4 Swedish Massage Package

4 Swedish Massage Package

4 Swedish massage πŸ’†πŸ½β€β™€οΈ this is popular type of massage therapy that focuses on relaxing the entire body. It involves long, flowing strokes, kneading, and circular movements to improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension. Swedish massage is known for its soothing and therapeutic effects.

  • Price: $340
  • Duration: 10 min